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roguelikes spoilers

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I’m going to pretend this is a roguelike thread instead of a game-specific one.

My favourite roguelike is Shiren the Wanderer. I just play the DS game but the original is on SNES, so you can also play it on your TV.

On the computer, I play Brogue casually with some regularity. I like a bunch of others, but rarely play them. UnReal World, Desktop Dungeons, 868-HACK, and Tales of Maje-eyal. I’d say I’m skilled at 868-HACK.

Lately I’ve been playing a cheap 3DS eShop game called Adventure Labyrinth Story, a sequel to a shop simulation/RPG. It has kind of gross anime 2D sprite art and character portraits. It seems really generous with letting you keep your shield&weapon after dying. Something interesting is you can combine and upgrade items, like adding Sleep Guard or 12 Hunger to the 3 slots which Weapons, Shields, and Rings have. It seems like it even has a story, updating when I progress further and get back to town.

Edited by A Talking Pokemon at 2019-11-04 09:40:132019-11-04 09:40

From: Applebaps at 2019-11-04 17:43:11
shiren owns

have you ever played izuna or izuna 2

I own them both, but haven’t started them. I’m intimidated by them. Some day though, for sure.

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