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did any boomers here used to play tribes

fps starsiege tribes

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i was more of a cs1.6 guy

bird on skateboard

nah i tried but i got owned by russian teenagers
this was b4 i had a gayming pc tho

bird on skateboard

lol i never thought about that
makes sense tho

bird on skateboard

i remember playing tribes very briefly
iirc the chat was an IRC client built in

bird on skateboard

yeah the global chat or w/e
man i just remembered using gamespy too

bird on skateboard

lol nice
iirc it had its own shitty arcade games at some point
and playing one was the first time i got goatse’d
and i felt so sick i skipped dinner lmao
i was like 7 too

bird on skateboard

yeah i got super owned… but now i am immune

bird on skateboard

dialup was good times
i played tf2 on free airport wifi at like 1500 ping once and dominated some yeti via engineering xD

bird on skateboard
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