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ever had a nemesis game from childhood that you beat as adult

second chances


Recently started shining force II

Some kid had that game at a sleepover and I was an underexposed young rpg fan and stayed up alone all night playing it

But it was not remotely a “beat in one day” type game so I’m going to finally get some closure.

I’ve had more like this, it was nice going back and finishing some of the stuff I “couldn’t” or “didn’t own” or “always wanted to”

What’s your equivalent?

i remember r-type owning me hard I’ve never tried it since i was little though

we don't rent pigs

it’s on switch so maybe I’ll try it again but i remember it was so hard i started crying once

we don't rent pigs

a few games i loved growing up were azure dreams and monster rancher 2, but both kinda become piss easy once you actually know what’s up

still fun, but the mystique is kinda gone

Swim Swim Hungry

the first screen in metal gear for NES. When I was a child I could not beat the first screen. 20 years later I beat the first screen and got stuck in the next area

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