This has been my experience. Any time I get to a part of a game that drags, I end up either switching to something new or going back to, say, Rocket League or the Doom series. This isn’t limited to video games though. I feel the same way about novels. If I get to a part in a book that drags or is uninteresting I will put it down and either re-read something old again or pull down something new. This means my reading lately has been primarily non-fiction (primarily technical with some political thrown in the mix) with some short fiction sprinkled in. I burn through short stories (especially collections of short stories), fanfiction about fandoms that I find interesting (as they tend to be on the shorter end), and books that are so well written that I can’t put them down. I’ve been reading more manga/comics recently as well because the episodic nature makes it easier to put down and pick up at the ends of issues/chapters/volumes. I wonder if it’s for the same reasons - I can typically afford (if I want to) buy any book from a bookstore or online (the library’s e-lending during the lockdown has been fantastic for this), so I have the freedom to bounce around instead of being constrained to a smaller collection. ❧ Edited by MasterOfMagic at 2020-08-06 17:30:282020-08-06 17:30 |