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From: Jeff “Zeb” Veasey at 2018-02-05 10:01:51
im playing EDF 4.1 again. excellent game.

this game is excellent

what class do you play, i go with the big armored dude with the robot suit


the only missions i really had trouble with as the lancer were the couple where you just have to kill 100 dragons or whatever

the single shot artillery cannon guns of their are just so incredibly powerful that any of the bigger monsters are kind of a joke


just looked up steam screenshots so i could remember what its called, the gallic heavy cannon was my thing with the lancer. its fire rate is like .5/sec but it does so much damage that if you can aim it you can take down transport ships super easy

that and the ability to cancel your dashes into melee attacks into dashes again lets you move around really fast so it just kinda owned all around


is skeleton-t in it


now i feel relief that i didnt cave and buy a switch or ps4 just for that

now just start putting gundam games on pc and i’ll be good


ah no it’d be a ps4 for the gundams


oh yeah that too

and i feel like there was one other game but its not enough to make me want one


ok so one is obviously neo turf masters, whats the other one?

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