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Gotta get that [HIGHSCORE] and stay radical


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anyone want to compare high scores


anybody wanna do actual high score challenges

like we pick a game and try for a week to get the highest score

i like high score games


someone else should choose a game, i dont want to get accused of choosing a game i’m good at to start it out 😅


a good rule of thumb is basically any arcade game thats not primarily a vs game (fighting, sports, etc) is a high score game

there’s a bunch on archive.org that you can just run in your browser so nobody would even need to download anything to participate


From: roodi at 2017-12-13 05:22:16
number munchers or snake or some other game about eating things



I just googled snake to see if i could find what the original is, and if you google snake you can play snake on google

apparently the first was an arcade game called Blockade in ‘76

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