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ready popular one


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a new hearthstone set just came out!!! i love Blizzard games :)

top gamer

i love call of duty and the star wars battlefield 2


i love the latest game, dont care what it is as long as it has loot boxes

That new pubg map is great! Love desert chicken dinners


From: roodi at 2017-12-11 08:50:34
That new pubg map is great! Love desert chicken dinners


top gamer

Chicken desserts

bird on skateboard

From: Tiko at 2017-12-11 09:49:26
Chicken desserts

i love me some call of honour asymmetrical warfighter

high impact

i like reporting to daddey ubisoft to get my assassin bucks to buy cute dresses
make all my games ubisoft only

look i need to install another installer to install a launcher and then pick from only you’re companys gmes. then i need to grind out currency achiveots in your lancher, to buy the fancy gun skin

THEN and ONLY THEN will i buy you’are game.

high impact

if you directly give me rewards i swear to :“GOD” i will rage on y’tube. make it random and make it rare. i need legendary gambling

high impact

Ubisoft montreal is pure and kawaii they doing their best under mean greedy daddy

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