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post here if you love gaming

gaming love


boi im games

gamer h otdog

im all about gaming

Zone Founder

hell yea

I play all the latest games and keep up with gaming news

same i love gaming and gaming news and new games

i also love old games

I don’t. I only love the latest games

top gamer

you’re not a real gamer unless you like retro games

Brace yourself new video games are coming out in the month of october


i thought this was “post here if you love gaming” not “post here if you’re a real gamer”

From: sakamoto at 2017-10-04 22:28:23
i thought this was “post here if you love gaming” not “post here if you’re a real gamer”

fuck you’re right. i’m sorry gamers.


Check out this gaming related meme

From: 5moes at 2017-10-04 22:32:32

Check out this gaming related meme

took me a sec XD

From: Tiko at 2017-10-04 22:28:58

From: sakamoto at 2017-10-04 22:28:23
i thought this was “post here if you love gaming” not “post here if you’re a real gamer”

fuck you’re right. i’m sorry gamers.

apology not accepted. gamers never accept apologies

top gamer

gaming is ok

love to game and be gamed

I really like the game downwell

From: chicken tender sub at 2017-10-04 22:18:18
I play all the latest games and keep up with gaming news

From: gamer max at 2017-10-04 23:05:20
love to game and be gamed

From: 5moes at 2017-10-04 22:32:32

Check out this gaming related meme

i love soul’s

whats up gamers

dumper and pisser

sup. haven’t been gaming much lately :(
how bout u gamer

bird on skateboard

I’ve been gaming up a storm. Subnautica is great and spooky, perfect for Spooktober.

Also been doin some Guild Wars 2 , gotta release that dopamine and grind some arbitrary numbers!

dumper and pisser

I’m a gamer

yes I love it


i inly love pro gaming

From: sanora at 2017-10-21 17:51:22
I’m a gamer


welcome gamers

bird on skateboard

I just bought Warhammer:Total War last night on sale for $20 US dollars.

It’s a good gaym and first Total War I’ve enjoyed since Shogun 2.

From: snarf at 2017-10-14 00:50:34

From: 5moes at 2017-10-04 22:32:32

Check out this gaming related meme

i love soul’s


Not sure how this site works just yet but I love gaming and Tiko is awesome! :D

welcome our newest gamer

bird on skateboard

From: Tiko at 2018-01-03 05:59:15
welcome our newest gamer


From: typhy at 2018-01-03 06:48:36

From: Tiko at 2018-01-03 05:59:15
welcome our newest gamer

high impact

From: applebappu at 2018-01-03 16:16:53

From: typhy at 2018-01-03 06:48:36

From: Tiko at 2018-01-03 05:59:15
welcome our newest gamer

here we go

From: rodentplan at 2018-01-03 18:05:53

From: applebappu at 2018-01-03 16:16:53

From: typhy at 2018-01-03 06:48:36

From: Tiko at 2018-01-03 05:59:15
welcome our newest gamer

stunt failed

not a fan tbh

got some good games in today

here we go

welcome gamer

bird on skateboard


Gaming is Love.

Now if only my children understood that.

Not A Cannibal

I love gaming and gaming culture

gaming and weed a match made in heaven

had some good gamin’ today gamers

bird on skateboard

Gotta get your gayme on


the downside of gaming all the time is it leaves no time for posting

i fucking love gaming. might get on overwatch and hop into the gaming world.


welcome gamer

bird on skateboard

I played Duck Hunt once as a child


thats a good one

bird on skateboard

steam sale ending shortly what games should I buy?

good question. all i got so far is cogmind which is like 10% off so it’s barely on sale

endless space 2 is 66% off so i got it for some of my buds
still looking for some other games to buy

bird on skateboard

From: bugs at 2018-06-30 17:06:22
i fucking love gaming. might get on overwatch and hop into the gaming world.

thats not a game

From: iforgotnmyname at 2018-07-03 09:41:11
steam sale ending shortly what games should I buy?

cross code 15 percent off

From: imgay at 2018-07-03 10:17:56

From: bugs at 2018-06-30 17:06:22
i fucking love gaming. might get on overwatch and hop into the gaming world.

thats not a game

high impact

From: iforgotnmyname at 2018-07-03 09:41:11
steam sale ending shortly what games should I buy?

endless legend
velocity 2x
the long dark

high impact

system shock 2 is $2.50

bird on skateboard

the wetness is like 10 bucks now lmao




almost bit but no sales or the sale could be a bit better or im just not ready to actually play yet so i didnt buy hat in time yet, im fine paying full price for that

surprised u didnt get the my little pony fighting game imgay

or do you have it already


From: applebaps at 2018-07-03 15:19:12

From: imgay at 2018-07-03 10:17:56

From: bugs at 2018-06-30 17:06:22
i fucking love gaming. might get on overwatch and hop into the gaming world.

thats not a game

shocking twist: I no longer love gaming
do not game, gamers. I withdraw my support

dum thirsty hors


Game on

Gayme on

From: iforgotnmyname at 2019-02-22 20:47:08
Gayme on

From: renu at 2019-02-22 19:49:42
Game on

Big Spud

Hi, yes, I love gaming

welcome gamer

bird on skateboard

subscribed to see who else loves gaming

default (riot) default

strong gamer emanations today

here we go

Called out sick from work to game today.

Trying too hard

From: Nergal at 2018-04-02 07:34:18
Gaming is Love.

Now if only my children understood that.

They’re finally coming around.

Not A Cannibal
thread head
bird on skateboard

Ja, I am a gamer, I love to game.

Games are life

bird on skateboard


hey man :3

gamers unite

bird on skateboard

Game on, gamers

Trying too hard


gamer h otdog

Yes I do

I hate gaming. Pranked.

From: (she/hershe) | Posted: 2024-09-29 05:02:572024-09-29 05:02 | Filter

gaming makes me wanna game all the time!

swag incarnate
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