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From: MasterOfMagic at 2020-07-16 18:33:42

From: Applebaps at 2020-07-16 18:32:58

jeez. well, i mean, if there’s lead in my stones… i’ve routinely snacked while playing, i’m drinking coffee even right now as i play with my set at home, i’ve played with older people on this set

i think i’d like to test my set and see. thanks for mentioning that! no matter how nice they feel or look, if they’re a health risk i’m going to take that seriously


sadly, i don’t know if we can really trust test results from a chinese factory tbh. they’re at grave risk of losing face if it gets out that they still have lead contamination so they have a strong incentive to lie

i think i’ll get a home testing kit and find out if my particular stones have lead in them or not

i didn't learn nothin
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