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From: meepches and pentell at 2018-02-04 23:36:57
keyboard is surprisingly nice isnt it

yah wish i’d started on it lolz


playing hella bloodborne now

high impact

im back to mario galaxy got like 720 moons maybe going for the 100%

bird on skateboard

fuck volleyball and jump rope and bouncy races

bird on skateboard

im playing EDF 4.1 again. excellent game.

im playing game “CELESTE”, a good game for gamers with excellent music



From: Jeff “Zeb” Veasey at 2018-02-05 10:01:51
im playing EDF 4.1 again. excellent game.

hell yeah

high impact

From: Tiko at 2018-02-05 09:24:49
im back to mario galaxy got like 720 moons maybe going for the 100%

odyssey is so good holy cwap

high impact

From: Tiko at 2018-02-05 09:24:49
im back to mario galaxy got like 720 moons maybe going for the 100%

Shoot for the mo -gets shot-


From: typhy at 2018-02-05 10:18:08
im playing game “CELESTE”, a good game for gamers with excellent music

User imgay will return and boost this post one day


From: Jeff “Zeb” Veasey at 2018-02-05 10:01:51
im playing EDF 4.1 again. excellent game.

this game is excellent

what class do you play, i go with the big armored dude with the robot suit


lancers are cool but hard to use and the weapons they get don’t really keep pace with the kinds of missions you’re up against eventually imo

flying ladies 4 lyfe

high impact

the only missions i really had trouble with as the lancer were the couple where you just have to kill 100 dragons or whatever

the single shot artillery cannon guns of their are just so incredibly powerful that any of the bigger monsters are kind of a joke


i was thinking more of missions where you have to take down transport ships, or towards the end with the dyson sphere stuff, where you have to shoot way up into the skybox

high impact

maybe i just never got good lancer drops tho lol. that’s also a possibility

high impact

just looked up steam screenshots so i could remember what its called, the gallic heavy cannon was my thing with the lancer. its fire rate is like .5/sec but it does so much damage that if you can aim it you can take down transport ships super easy

that and the ability to cancel your dashes into melee attacks into dashes again lets you move around really fast so it just kinda owned all around


nice yeah i never found that one

hmmmm might have to put some more time in, there

i really enjoyed zipping around in the air and sniping things tho too

edf 4.1 just owns all around

high impact

From: typhy at 2018-02-05 10:18:08
im playing game “CELESTE”, a good game for gamers with excellent music

From: typhy at 2018-02-05 10:18:23

Oh wow.

The music convinced me to get this game for gamers with excellent music, thanks typhy


it’s a great video game too as well as having cool music for good gamers


finally i can get a nude Sig mod

is skeleton-t in it


From: meepches and pentell at 2018-02-06 20:12:48
good news everyone, http://store.steampowered.com/app/546050/Puyo_PuyoTetris/


i already have it on switch but at that price it wouldn’t be a crime to double dip

stunt failed

now i feel relief that i didnt cave and buy a switch or ps4 just for that

now just start putting gundam games on pc and i’ll be good


you should get a switch anyway tho

high impact

ah no it’d be a ps4 for the gundams


ps4 for bloodborne u mean

high impact

oh yeah that too

and i feel like there was one other game but its not enough to make me want one


i love my two switch games

bird on skateboard

ok so one is obviously neo turf masters, whats the other one?


sonic the hedgehog

bird on skateboard

bloodborne is EASILY worth having a ps4 for, by itself even

high impact

From: applebappu at 2018-02-06 23:18:07
bloodborne is EASILY worth having a ps4 for, by itself even


been playing dragon ball fighter z and rainbow 6 siege pretty regularly

my hands are turning to dust but they are fun video games

stunt failed

From: meepches and pentell at 2018-02-06 20:12:48
good news everyone, http://store.steampowered.com/app/546050/Puyo_PuyoTetris/

oh wow. i played the arcade game at MAGfest a bunch and found it kinda confusing but i went undefeated just based on the strength of how good i am at the component games.

been playing rocket league again


From: typhy at 2018-02-11 10:08:21
been playing rocket league again

RL is way too much fun

we should have a game sometime!


i have it on computer and switch!!


im not amazing i just started playing again after a long break but i can do stuff like hit the ball into the goal!!!!


Same my own goal




From: typhy at 2018-02-15 15:21:28

high impact

From: roodi at 2018-02-15 15:17:13
Same my own goal

same but I’ve only played lucioball

bird on skateboard

From: typhy at 2018-02-15 12:57:32

i have it on computer and switch!!

add me and we can play some time then whenever time zones align

I’m not that super good either but I don’t care about winning tbh

Edited by iforgotnmyname at 2018-02-16 08:24:372018-02-16 08:24

hell yea caring about winning is for losers


I picked up The Long Dark on steam sale yesterday and so far it really owns

had my eye on it for quite a while, it’s nice to see an early access game actually finish and be good (apart from the story which they’re releasing in chapters)

it’s also nice to see a survival game that focuses more on survival instead of combat. and the setting is hauntingly gorgeous

high impact

I’ve been playing through Hollow Knight for the fourth time (doing an old nail challenge run) - this game is seriously good and excels in every area. I’d recommend to anyone who loves platformers/metroidvanias

Can’t wait for the upcoming free DLC to drop.

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