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started playing ep1 of Ciconia When They Cry, the newest VN from 07th Expansion.

I’m really fascinated by the world that this is setting up. It’s a futuristic post-WW3 scenario with an eerily realistic take on the natural progression of current-day politics, but also with a bunch of crazy Black Mirror esque high tech stuff like brain hacking and environmental nanomachines that merge VR space into real life, and ascended beings that can predict the future or some shit… and the main characters are all very likeable and they all have Ryukishi’s style of character writing that just works really well at getting me emotionally invested somehow.

I’m a bit more than half way through ep1 and it’s already got me as into it as Higurashi and Umineko did.

I’m obsessively reading through the Ciconia threads on 4chan and it’s kind of amazing… it’s like we’re basically back in the peak of the Umineko theorycrafting days of 2009, when nobody can spoil you on the answer because nobody actually knows what the fuck’s going on in Ryukishi’s head.

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