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ah see I bought it expecting something more like killing floor, so it’s been pretty alright for me

so far, at least


kf2 nails the gamefeel aspect imo

high impact

kf2 is great, one of my favs


Im playing dying light bc the second one looked cool at e3 and it was on sale. Its ok. I like the parkour aspect and the zombies are kinda fun. The inventory and level up system kinda blows tho.

i cant remember my login on for this pc


was watching the #1 us player for mario tennis and spied this matchup for championship point

as an aside i am playing this game

stunt failed

i won btw


bowser jr. is horse shit

waluigi seems v. strong

idk how to rank anyone else

stunt failed

jr >>>>>> waluigi/chomp >>> the rest


the good character > a cast of garbage

kinopio taicho can barely keep up the fuck makes you think rosa or bowju or waruigi can compete w her

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/277200146?t=03h09m51s heres the game in case anyone was curious

real anime shit i fought my way back from 0-40 championship point and took it the next game


watching how you handled someone that can reliably trick shot is what let me win my first tournament actually

stunt failed



just watched it, nice work typhy show those streamers who’s boss

bird on skateboard

so far im using trick shots mostly to cover my ass when i fuck up
it seems like the intended strategy to use on people using trick shots to cover zone shots is to try to break their racket

i havent broken anyones racket since release lol
i beat beat bad players too fast and good players always either do a successful block or let the ball go past them if they don’t have enough meter


lately ive been looking for a chill space game but i got cogmind instead and its very unchill but its fun
the text graphics are beautiful and the UI & controls are really good for a roguelike

bird on skateboard

of course i enabled text mode immediately, fuck tiles

bird on skateboard

infinifactory is the chill space game

interesting, might check it out. i was considering elite dangerous but idk

bird on skateboard

i got nioh and im a samurai dark souls

i chose the spear and tonfas as my starting weapons and i gotta say i like the tonfas way better than the spear

only beat the first real level and the bonus level attached to it so far though


i like spears but i played like, every dark souls with halberd so i just went with sword this time around


From: Tiko at 2018-06-25 06:04:02
lately ive been looking for a chill space game but i got cogmind instead and its very unchill but its fun
the text graphics are beautiful and the UI & controls are really good for a roguelike

i like elite dangerous when i wanna chill in space.

Big Spud

From: Tiko at 2018-06-25 06:04:02
lately ive been looking for a chill space game but i got cogmind instead and its very unchill but its fun
the text graphics are beautiful and the UI & controls are really good for a roguelike

oh that’s been on my radar for a while now

high impact

From: imgay at 2018-06-25 06:22:13
infinifactory is the chill space game

this too I want it

high impact

I’ve been ALL ABOUT Endless Legend lately
it’s so good
even tops MoM in a few ways which I didn’t think any 4X really could

high impact

From: Tiko at 2018-06-25 06:08:07
of course i enabled text mode immediately, fuck tiles

my man

high impact

delete your life if you aren’t playing OCTO expansion

big challenge

big design

From: applebaps at 2018-06-25 20:48:42

From: imgay at 2018-06-25 06:22:13
infinifactory is the chill space game

this too I want it

steam gifting is very het

FTL is also a great space game. I have a copy I can give to someone if they wanna play it.

Big Spud

From: applebaps at 2018-06-25 20:49:23
I’ve been ALL ABOUT Endless Legend lately
it’s so good
even tops MoM in a few ways which I didn’t think any 4X really could

ive been playing a shitload of endless space 2 lately. never played endless legends but i bet it owns

bird on skateboard


high impact

From: applebaps at 2018-06-25 20:48:28

From: Tiko at 2018-06-25 06:04:02
lately ive been looking for a chill space game but i got cogmind instead and its very unchill but its fun
the text graphics are beautiful and the UI & controls are really good for a roguelike

oh that’s been on my radar for a while now

update: i got it and it’s pretty awesome

armored core roguelike, basically. in an older school sense of the word than i’m used to lately
lots of tactical decision-making on the fly and managing limited resources. i’m into it

it’s like somebody saw the cooler bit of IVAN where you can swap out body parts and they all get damaged individually, and went β€œhey this should be the whole game”

❧ Edited by applebaps at 2018-07-07 23:02:492018-07-07 23:02
high impact

im still playing vermintide 2

friendship ended with sienna, now kruber is my best friend


Just started another game of Epic Battle Fantasy 4, as EPF5 is coming closer to release.

I love this series - it’s like a love letter to JRPGs that has a far more in depth and satisfying battle system than most actual JRPGs do. There’s a lot of ways you can approach battles and on the hardest difficulty you really have to have a plan or you’re gonna die.

EBF3 is free on steam, and while there’s a paid version fo EBF4 on steam with extra stuff you can still find the free flash version around. Would recommend checking it out to any JRPG fans.

hooked on Dead Cells the past few days now that it’s officially released

it’s a rougelite metroidvania, more or less, with tight as hell combat and a good variety of weapons/power/skills that also interact well with each other - you can pick from a lot of different playstyles/builds to work with

haven’t beaten the final boss yet, bastard is very unforgiving with his attacks bu so far the game has been a blast

From: iforgotnmyname at 2018-08-10 22:43:32
hooked on Dead Cells the past few days now that it’s officially released

it’s a rougelite metroidvania, more or less, with tight as hell combat and a good variety of weapons/power/skills that also interact well with each other - you can pick from a lot of different playstyles/builds to work with

haven’t beaten the final boss yet, bastard is very unforgiving with his attacks bu so far the game has been a blast

yeah dead cells owns a lot i’ve got that myself

dum thirsty hors


dum thirsty hors

jumped back in for another round of Hollow Knight, now that some new content is released. It’s on sale too, if for some reason you don’t already own this wonderful, awesome little game. If you enjoy metroidvanias, like at all, you owe it to yourself to play it.

yeah hollow knight is really really good

dum thirsty hors
Big Spud

monster hunter generations ultimate

dum thirsty hors

Picked up Salt and Sanctuary, in short it’s a Dark Souls-ish 2D metroidvania-ish game. It’s been pretty fun, if challenging to begin with, but now I’ve hit my stride and I’m tearing things apart as a Heavy Armour Knight with a bigass Scythe and all is good.

Wish the soundtrack was better tho, it feels quite empty most of the time.

i like s&s quite a bit
it needs work in a few key areas (like the music, which you mentioned) but it filled a void for me when it came out. it’s a p good game

dum thirsty hors

getting into brood war again
been watching lots of pro SC and it inspired me
working my way thru the campaign rn
it’s trippy playing the remastered version

bird on skateboard

how much apm can a bird achieve

dum thirsty hors

looks like I’m about 70-80 apm and like 120 in big fights
so pretty terrible
multitasking is rly hard

i rekt my friend with this cheese build though it was a lot of fun

bird on skateboard
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